Period De-Coding: What Do Different Menstrual Blood Colors Mean?

The bloody truth of getting your period is that it’s going to be bloody. It’s likely you’ll be exposed to an array of colors and consistencies throughout your menstruating years, so we thought it would be helpful to de-code your period colors and tell you what the different menstrual blood colors mean and if/when you should be concerned.

Colors that should not cause concern:

Bright Red

Bright red blood usually tells us that it is fresh, or new, blood. When your flow is heavy, you’ll like see bright red (or pink) blood. Some women will stay this shade for their whole cycle, which means their flow/uterine shedding is consistent.

Dark Red

You may see dark red blood when you wake up and first use the bathroom on your cycle, in the morning. Or during the middle of your cycle. This is blood that has been sitting in the uterus for a little while.


Brown blood is old blood. This is usually seen at the beginning or end of the period cycle, usually when you have very light bleeding because it takes some time to exit your body. If you have brown blood between periods it may be a concern so check in with your doctor. 

Colors to stay on alert for:


When mixed with cervical mucous, orange blood can be normal, but sometimes is it associated with an infection. So probably best to see your doc. 


Gray blood may be a sign of an infection or a miscarriage. Get on that phone. 

Other bloody facts:

Irregular bleeding

A normal cycle is 21-35 days. If you are experiencing bleeding between periods, it may be bright red, dark red, or brown. Check with your doctor is you experience irregular bleeding. 

Consistency changes

Color changes are not a concern, unless orange and gray, but consistency may be a concern. If you constantly have heavy periods and bleed through pads, you may become anemic. There are medications available to help you have less heavy periods. 

If you are concerned about irregularities in your cycle, we recommend speaking with your doctor. 


100 responses to “Period De-Coding: What Do Different Menstrual Blood Colors Mean?”

  1. sylvie mesh Avatar
    sylvie mesh

    i get my period a lot

    1. LaShawn Avatar

      me too… I had 3 cycles in 45 days

    2. Dominique Henderson Avatar
      Dominique Henderson

      I had two cycles last month and now I am back on it again.
      What is going on with my body

      1. Monthly Gift Avatar
        Monthly Gift

        Hi Dominique, If you have a shorter cycle, it is possible to have two periods in a single month. If you are concerned, however, we always recommend speaking with a doctor who can help to put your mind at ease. Xx

    3. Dominique Henderson Avatar
      Dominique Henderson

      Also my cycle is dark red color what is going on with my body.

      1. Monthly Gift Avatar
        Monthly Gift

        Dark red typically indicates older blood, which can be totally normal and may well be related to having two cycles this month. Again, if you’re concerned about these irregularities, please don’t hesitate to call your doctor! Xx

        1. D Avatar

          I should of started 3 days ago, but 11 days ago I started shedding the old blood and have not had any new blood. It’s still just the old stuff ?

  2. Genesta Pace Avatar
    Genesta Pace

    Are bright read periods bad should I be worried since I have irregular periods?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Genesta! Typically, bright red blood means it’s fresh, or new, blood, which just shows where you are at in your cycle. Also, while many people do have irregular periods and for many reasons, it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor about any concerns you may have. xx

  3. sarah Avatar

    I have now a perios but its kinda liquid its like a pee and i can’t recognize id it has red blood

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Sarah! Every period is unique; and like this post outlines, when it comes to menstrual blood, there are lots of colors and consistencies that are totally normal! That said, if you have any concerns and/or are experiencing any discomfort, we totally recommend chatting with your doctor asap. xx

  4. Helppppppp??): Avatar

    My period started off very light unusual for my mentrual cycle and also I experience heavy cramping and tender breasts. Well I’m on day 4 and it has been light the whole time. I haven’t had to wear a tampon I’ve just been sliding some tp down there for just incase. Sometimes I do get a rush when I have to go to the bathroom to check, and it’s very dark red, but then after that for hours it goes back to very light but still dark red. It’s so light when I don’t have the rush and the rush has only happened 3 times in the last 4 days. I have no cramps and my breasts have not been tender but I am feeling discomfort in my what feels to be uterus and cervics. I need help ))): i don’t want to seek medical attention if I’m just over thinking it because I can’t afford to just go to the doctors.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Taylor! When it comes to your health, it’s crucial to listen to and trust your body. When you’re experiencing irregularities like these and discomfort, we recommend talking to a doctor asap. Your health is the most important thing. xx

  5. Charlie Avatar

    I have had brown discharge for 5 days is this bad ??

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Charlie, As we note in this article, “Brown blood is old blood. This is usually seen at the beginning or end of the period cycle”. While this can be totally normal, if your bleeding is inconsistent with your regular flow, it’s best to consult your doctor. Listen to your body and never shy away from seeking professional guidance when something feels off. Here’s another post specifically on discharge:


  6. Emily Avatar

    I ended my last period just under three weeks ago. It started again today, which is a very short cycle for me. It shouldn’t have started for at least another week, maybe two. It’s a really light flow, thick and very dark, with cramps still showing up nearly 24 hours later. Nothing about this is normal. I usually start heavy with bright red blood and cramps that are over by the time one dose of ibuprofen wears off. Could this be because I started a new exercise regimen six weeks ago, swimming 1/2 mile 3-4 times a week? I’m 36 and have shown no signs of menopause. Could the workout have triggered this bizarre period by causing my body to need to take back the blood to put it to other uses?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hello Emily,
      Thanks for sharing your experience. We suggest talking to a doctor asap. While this irregular activity could be due to the lifestyle changes you mention, you know your body and as you said, “nothing about this is normal”. Speaking with a professional will answer any questions you might have and hopefully, put you at ease.

  7. Courtney Woods Avatar
    Courtney Woods

    I have had my cycle for 4-5 weeks now and there’s Lil blood hopes coming out like blood clots and dark red what should I do

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Courtney! A prolonged period can be a sign of Menorrhagia. If you’re experiencing major irregularities in your cycle, we would always suggest speaking with your doctor. Your GYN will help you figure to out exactly what’s going on and hopefully alleviate your concerns. xx

  8. Elisha johnson Avatar
    Elisha johnson

    I’m always regular 28 days, which I had my period 4 days. It went away but came back 3 days later and has now lasted 10 days! This has never happened. It’s mostly brown blood but in the morning bright red. What is causing this? Please help

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Elisha! While there are many reasons for changes to your cycle, including hormonal and environmental, if you are concerned about serious irregularities we recommend consulting with your doctor. xx

  9. […] Period Color De-Coding: What Do Different Menstrual Blood Colors Mean? […]

  10. Marissa Avatar

    Hi there!
    Soo I was scheduled to start my period today and I did! It’s usually a bright red but today it’s both a mixture of bright red and dark brown. I’ve read other sites where they said the brown could be a sign of implantation and I’m terrified! What do you think??

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Marissa! Any change can be really scary, we totally get that. While dark brown blood can be very normal at the beginning of your cycle, if you’re concerned about an irregularity, we always suggest consulting with you doctor. xx

  11. Dana Avatar

    I just started my period and also on day 5 of the green birth control pills TRINESSA and usually my cycle is RED at the beginning and brownish as its ending. But its at the beginning and its brownish any cause to worry?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Dana! While variations in menstrual blood color can be totally normal, if you are concerned about irregularities, it’s best to consult with your doctor. Xx

  12. Branejahjolie Avatar

    I lost my virginity a while ago and got my period after. But its now changing colors like bright red and i had bad cramps on the first day…. is there anything that i should be worried about?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey! Thanks for your sharing with us! So, bright red blood can mean many normal things like you’re early in your flow and/or it’s heavy. And cramps are totally normal (although they seriously suck, for sure) – there are some super simple exercises that can help ease the pain. With that said, listen to your body, if you have any concerns, we always suggest talking to your doctor. xx

  13. Erica Avatar

    I am diabetic and my period hardly ever comes I started my period about a month ago very heavey bright red and lots of larg clots sometimes more then one at a time

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Erica, Thanks for your sharing your experience. Since you have an irregular flow, it’s best to consult with your doctor. Tell them as much info as possible, including about the consistency and color of your menstrual blood when you do have your period, and they will help you to better understand what’s happening in your specific situation. xx

  14. Enedelia Zamora Avatar
    Enedelia Zamora

    I just removed my birth control ( MIRENA) in February of 2017. I started my period normal for the first 2 months. But in the past 2 cycles it has been very dark brown and only last 3 to 4 days and through out the cycle of stays that color. It has been coming 1 to 2 days earlier than before. Should I be concern? Does this affect me in getting pregnant?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Enedelia! Changing birth control can have lots of effects on our cycles and our bodies. The best advice is to talk with your doctor if you’re concerned about any irregularities with your period. Xx

  15. Rosetta Avatar

    Hello. I spotted dark red in the beginning of my cycle. I wasn’t sure if it was my cycle or was I just spotting. Now the flow is heavier and its still dark red.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Rosetta, While some spotting and variations in the color of your period blood can all be very normal within a cycle, if you are concerned about any irregularities, you should consult with your doctor. xx

  16. […] every few hours. Period blood will also typically be bright red at the beginning of your cycle (although this can vary). If you’re spotting, you won’t bleed enough to fill a pad or tampon and the blood from […]

  17. […] from This blog has no references, but some interesting content. It was written by an […]

  18. Dani Avatar

    Hi! I have always had a clockwork period every 28 days but last month I started on time bit it was only spotting very lightly for about 1 1/2 days. This month I started 4 days late and had dark redish blood with what looked like jelly and it stopped after 2 1/2 days ant thought me and my dear husband have been TTC for about a year now.. just wondering if we still have a chance this time?… Btw I’m 26.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Dani, Irregularities with our cycle can be very disconcerting, but it may be nothing to worry about. The best thing would be to visit your doctor and discuss the details with them; they can put your mind at ease! Open communication with your OBGYN is crucial when you’re TTC (and always). XX MG

  19. Jane Avatar

    Hey I received my period for this month but I noticed a change. My period normally start off as a light red and ends to a dark red but now it’s sorta red-orange & im clueless and freaking out because this never happened! I really don’t know what it means. Is it something bad?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Jane! We know it can be very upsetting when something changes with our cycle. While most changes are normal, if you are very concerned we always recommend speaking with your doctor. It will put your mind at ease! x

  20. Chris hines Avatar
    Chris hines

    Help we are in need of help. My daughter is 13 days away from being 17 years old. Last m9nth she had some unusual color in it the doctor told us to watch. We she just started and her period is red and green blood and I mean green. The doctor office is closed. Has anyone had this heard of it? Do we go to ER??

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Chris, We’re so sorry for your upsetting situation. If you are gravely concerned about this issue with your daughter, you should speak with a doctor asap – however you’re able to do this. A doctor will be able to put your mind at ease and immediately treat any issue she may be having. Best of luck.

  21. Desiree Avatar

    I need help. I got my period this month without delay but in the first day i have brown red period and after a few minutes its change to bright red blood without any pain i feel in my body. What does it mean?

  22. Desiree Avatar

    Need help please. To brown red period its change to bright red period and now it became red period with blood clots. What is it? Am i pregnant?

    Please help me. Thank you

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Desiree, While certain changes in the color and consistency of your menstrual blood can be harmless, it’s best to check with your doctor if/when you are concerned. It will hopefully put your mind at ease quickly! xx

  23. Laura Avatar

    Hi, last month my period was bright red almost orange (unlike every month that is dark red at the beggining and end of the cycle and normal red in between), this month is only red and a little heavier than normal (I didn’t get any cramps or clots like I usually do every month). Should I be concerned? I’m 33 and always have regular periods.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Laura! While bright red blood, even orange, can be normal – signaling the blood’s freshness or perhaps the presence of some mucous – if you’re experiencing other irregularities and you are concerned, it’s always best to speak with your doctor. It’s the most effective way to put your mind at ease! xx

  24. Kra'Saunda Lloyd Avatar
    Kra’Saunda Lloyd

    Help!!! My boyfriend and I had sex first day of ovulation the middle and final day… I’ve been having pregnancy symptoms but I know they can be associated with premenstrual. My period came 3 days early (always been regular) it was light then stopped then came back light then turned a orangish color. It does feel like a normal period and plus I dont have to really wear a pad its only when I seem to wipe or I have to go up in there (tmi)

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Never TMI! We can definitely relate to your anxiety (been there). While most slight variations in your cycle, like the ones you are experiencing, are totally normal, the best thing to do in your situation is to speak with your doctor. They can put your mind at ease – and it’s never a bad idea to get a check up. xx

  25. carla Avatar

    hey! I am taking birth control pills and did not have a period (besides a few dots of brown/red blood) on my sugar pills. What should i do?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Carla! So, different types of birth control can have differing effects on the body – it’s best to speak with your doctor to find out how your specific pill will impact your cycle. A quick call or office visit can help alleviate any anxiety! xx

  26. Gomathi Avatar

    I’m having heavy red blood during ma 4th day.. Do I need to be worried??

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hey Gomathi! Red blood typically means the blood is fresh and some people do experience heavy bleeding for a number of days. However, if this is irregular for you and you are concerned, we recommend talking with your doctor to put your mind at ease! Xx

  27. […] Your flow may start out as a light pink or a dark brown color on day one and then turn bright red as your period progresses.  On the last day, it’s totally normal if your blood is a brownish color. […]

  28. Courtney Avatar

    My cycle is usually every 35 days. I ended my last period about a week and a half ago and started again 3 days ago. Its been a mixture of red blood and brown blood at the same time (if that makes since). Usually its just red blood and brown blood at the very end. I had my little girl 6 months ago and had my tubes tied immediately after and have had spotting between periods ever since. Do you have any idea why this could be happening?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! While tubal ligation can cause symptoms such as spotting, they typically last less than a week. We always suggest speaking with your doctor if you’re concerned about irregularities in your cycle as they will put your mind at ease. Xx

  29. Niki Avatar

    A month ago I delivered DD and my first period came on a month after dark red/ brown. Should I tell my doctor?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Dark red typically means the blood has been in the uterus for a little while; this would make sense for your first period after giving birth. However, we ALWAYS suggest keeping your doctor informed of any changes in your cycle and concerns you might have. Xx

  30. Lorena Avatar

    Hi, so in October of 2016 I got the nexplanon and after I got it my period stopped for about a year. Now it has been a year and I have gotten my period. When I used to get my periods they would last a week and be light. Now a year later, I had regular sex and a week later I got my period, it’s been going on for more than a week and it’s not too heavy but it’s not light and my blood is bright red and it used to be more of a darker red. Is this normal or is it implantation?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Lorena, We always recommend speaking with your doctor about changes like these as they will know the specifics of your birth control and what irregularities are to be expected. Xx

  31. Zoey Avatar

    Hi so j.w is Grey period blood normal? I use a menstrual cup and the last day of my period it was grey. I have been screened for Bacteria infections and pregnancy all neg. Screened 3 times and even had an ultra sound. None of the drs know what it can be. I have painful periods all started in November. It’s January now and I still have no answers..

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Zoey, You are doing everything right by speaking with doctors and having the appropriate tests. We’re so sorry for the frustration this experience causes you. We’re here for you. Xx

  32. Stacie Lovins Avatar
    Stacie Lovins

    Hi, I was wondering if there might be something wrong with me. My last several periods have only lasted three days and the blood is brown with lots of dark clots from start to finish. Very little to no red blood at all. Is this normal? I should probably mention that I am a Type 1 Diabetic with PCOS.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Stacie, Having PCOS can result in heavy bleeding. You should speak with your doctor about any concerns you might have as they will be able to put your mind at ease and help you find treatment options. Xx

      More about PCOS:

  33. Kelly Avatar

    I just had a baby 11 weeks ago. I had red bleeding that stoped at 6weeks ( bright red the full 6 weeks) which I’ve talk to my Ob/midwife about. I felt like she didn’t take me serious at all. At 9 weeks I started again which I had took as my period – had stop. Now I’m bleeding again ” bright red ” and went through a super tampon which hold (10 to 15 gms) in 3 hrs. Should I seek a hospital doctor if my Ob did not ease my concern when I was from the start?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Kelly, We would always recommend speaking with a health professional who takes your concerns seriously and can help put your mind at ease. Xx

  34. Savanah Avatar

    I started bleeding yesterday 9 days before my period was supposed to come. It was kind of heavy but that’s normal for me and it was bright red. I just assumed aunt Flo came way too early but then it changed to brown and super super light, like almost non existent. I stopped bleeding today and I never bleed between periods, so should I see a doctor?

  35. Posh Avatar

    My period has been dark red for the past three months. What does it mean?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Posh, Dark red blood is typically that which has been in the uterus for a while and shouldn’t be anything to worry about. If you are concerned, however, we always recommend speaking with a doctor to put your mind at ease. Xx

  36. Jasmin McNairy Avatar
    Jasmin McNairy

    What does it mean if my period is like a brown discharge and I have no red blood throughout my whole period

  37. Terry S Avatar
    Terry S

    I had my period on the 14th to the 16th of Feb. But I started again yesterday (27th). This has happened before but this time my flow is heavier than normal with dark brown blood. Please advise.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Terry, There are many reasons why someone might have two period in a single month. However, if you’re concerned, please contact your doctor as they will be able to put your mind at ease. Xx

  38. Hannah Avatar

    I’m pretty scared right now because I went to go and use the bathroom and when I sat down I saw like blood on my underwear but when I was it I was scared because it was like Dark purple?? Or something I’m really scared because I don’t wanna have an infection 🙁 please help me I beg

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Hannah, It can definitely be alarming to see what appears to be a different color menstrual blood than you’re used to. The best way to put your mind at ease is to talk to your doctor. Tell them about the blood and any other irregularities or symptoms you might be experiencing. The more info you give, the better they can help you. Xx

  39. Sonakshi Avatar

    Hi I’m 23, My cycle is 40 to 50 days and it’s just for 2 days. What can be the problem?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Sonakshi, There are many reasons for an irregular cycle (and irregularities are very common). There are also things you can do, including BC, to help regulate your cycle. Speak with your doctor about your specific situation and together you can find a solution that works for you. xx

  40. Bronwyn Dielman Avatar
    Bronwyn Dielman

    What does it mean whan your period has 2 exter days and its like a rust Brown red color

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Bronwyn! While brown blood can simply mean it’s older blood, which would make sense if you are experiencing a longer than usual cycle, if you’re concerned about any irregularities with your period, please chat with your doctor. Xx

  41. Kami Denice Walls Avatar
    Kami Denice Walls

    I started yesterday having heavy cramps today I wake up to a bright orange on on my 2 tampon of the day now it is pink again and just barely any blood what’s going on with me

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Kami,
      If these symptoms are highly irregular for you and you are concerned, the best thing to do would be to speak with your doctor as they will be able to figure out exactly what’s happening and put your mind at ease. xx

  42. Atika Shaikh Avatar
    Atika Shaikh

    Actually its my 4th day and last night i found quite dark brown blackish kinda blood stain on my underwear. Is it normal?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Anika, Dark brown blood typically means it’s old blood, which would make sense if you are near the end of your cycle. However, if you are concerned and if this is very irregular for you, we always advise women to connect with their doctors as it will put your mind at ease! Xx

  43. Miriam Avatar

    Hello I was suppose to have my period March 29 I’m now getting it April 3 but it’s extremely light pink?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Miriam, There are many normal things that can contribute to a late period, however if you are concerned we always recommend speaking with your medical professional. Xx

  44. Nosipho Avatar

    Hi… I’m worried here i had sex with my boyfriend last month and i got my periods the following day .This month I got my period but the blood is orange and grey its a light flow and I also have some cramps …what does that mean ??

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Nosipho, As we outline in the piece, both orange and grey can signal irregularities and we’d always suggest speaking with your doctor when you’re concerned like this is. Xx

  45. Lynn Avatar

    Hi there. I’ve been on the nexplanon for 1 year. Periods last 1-4 months. Started out dark, was a “normal” color then would be over (sometimes brown at the end not always)
    Now starts out light for days, over for 5-8 hours. Comes back spotty and brown for days, over 5-8 hours then is super heavy and dark red.
    I’m going to make an appt with my dr. But I was just wondering if this is normal or if this has happened to anyone else?
    (Just want to feel a little at ease before I go to the DR.)

    1. Lynn Avatar

      Thank you in advanced!

  46. Diana Thomas Avatar
    Diana Thomas

    I’m 16 and a virgin. But for the first time I had that mucus in my pad. Why?

  47. JJ Avatar

    I’ve always had an irregular period, after my first ever period I didn’t have another one for a year. The only time I was regular was when I was on birth control. I haven’t taken birth control in about 8 years and I have maybe 4 periods a year since. They usually last 5-7 days, they start light, they get heavy, then I spot, and eventually stop. I’m am now on my 10 day of bleeding very heavy and dark blood. I’m worried that something isn’t right.

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi JJ, Although you do have an irregular period, as you said, we always recommend speaking with your doctor should you have any concern about your bleeding. X

  48. Payel Avatar

    Hi, I have shifted to USA 3 months back. I have always had regular period but this month I noticed something strange. I got my period which started as red and then when I checked my pad it was all brown. The next day I got bright red color and in the evening the flow got over. So I am a bit concerned about the brown color in the beginning which has never happened to me before. Can a new place mess up my period?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Payel, Travel can have an effect on your period, but if you have any concerns, it’s best to speak with your doctor. X

  49. Janie Avatar

    I have had surgery twice for endometriosis and after having my baby I had my tubes clipped burned and tied and he is now 4 years old and on June 28,2018 I had some abnormal bleeding then a few days later my cycle and ever since I have continued to have the dark brown blood come out and no answers…

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Janie, Were you able to speak with your doctor about this?

  50. Allora Avatar

    I got my period around a year ago and I’ve only had two periods since. Is this normal?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Allora, Congrats on starting your period! It’s very normal to experience irregular periods when you start. It’s also a good idea to speak with your doctor about what’s going on and any concerns you might have. Xx

  51. Allora Williams Avatar
    Allora Williams

    I got my first period around a year ago and I’ve only had two periods since then. What should I do and is this normal?

  52. Emily Avatar

    Thank you for a helpful site. I didn’t even know an brownish Orange was even a possible color of blood until this morning. I googled it and found your site. I will make an appointment to see my dr because I also had another concern this month with bleeding mid cycle. I bled lightly for a couple days. I know about implantation bleeding but knew that was unlikely. Any thoughts on what might be going on?

    1. Monthly Gift Avatar
      Monthly Gift

      Hi Emily! We’re so happy you found us and that you made an appointment with your doctor. Speaking with a health care professional is the best route as they will be able to help you figure out what is going on and put your mind at ease. Best of luck with your appointment <3

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